Same-Day implant

Same-Day Implant

Same-Day Dental Implant

Dental implants are artificial medical devices implanted into jaws with surgeries to restore old teeth. The same-day dental implant is as good as it sounds. Furthermore, patients with gum disease, infection, or other oral health issues may not be suitable candidates for an immediate dental implant and may require additional treatments before the implant can be placed. It is important to undergo a thorough clinical examination and assessment of the patient's oral health before determining if a same-day dental implant is viable. Overall, a same-day dental implant can be a convenient and effective solution for many patients, but it is important to consult with a qualified dentist to determine if it is the right option for your specific dental needs.

Same Day Dental Implant

How much time Same-Day Dental Implants take?

The number of appointments and impressions needed to prepare for same-day dental implants will depend on the individual patient's needs and the treatment plan determined by the dentist or dental specialist.

Once the temporary restoration is prepared, dental implant surgery can be scheduled. During the surgery, the implant posts will be placed into the jawbone, and a temporary crown or bridge will be attached to the implants. This allows the patient to leave the office with a functional and aesthetically pleasing restoration. After the implant surgery, the patient will need to attend several follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and ensure that the implants are properly integrating with the jawbone. Once the implants have fully healed and integrated, a final appointment will be scheduled to place the permanent bridge or denture on top of the implants. The length of the surgical implant time will vary depending on how many implants are planned to be placed. The entire process of same-day dental implants, including preparation and post-operative care, can take several months, but it varies for each individual patient.

Can you get Same-day dental implant?

However, it is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for a same-day dental implant. The success of a same-day dental implant largely depends on the patient's clinical examination and the quality of their bone structure. In some cases, after a tooth extraction, the bone may not be strong enough to support an implant right away, and additional time may be needed for the bone to heal and strengthen before the implant can be placed.

Furthermore, patients with gum disease, infection, or other oral health issues may not be suitable candidates for an immediate dental implant and may require additional treatments before the implant can be placed. It is important to undergo a thorough clinical examination and assessment of the patient's oral health before determining if a same-day dental implant is viable.

Overall, a same-day dental implant can be a convenient and effective solution for many patients, but it is important to consult with a qualified dentist to determine if it is the right option for your specific dental needs.

While same-day dental implants can provide immediate results, they do carry a slightly higher risk of implant failure compared to traditional implant procedures. This is because the implant may not have enough time to properly integrate with the bone structure before being subjected to biting and chewing forces.

However, an experienced dentist can help reduce this risk by carefully evaluating each patient's oral health and bone structure, and developing a customized treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs. This may include using specialized implants or techniques that are better suited to the patient's specific situation, or providing additional support or protection to the implant during the healing process.

Additionally, patients can also help reduce the risk of implant failure by following their dentist's post-operative instructions carefully, including maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding certain foods or activities, and attending follow-up appointments as recommended.

Good candidates for Same-Day include:

Teeth Condition

The teeth you need to implant should be damaged or missing for a long time. The gums should be healed completely. In case of bleeding, pain, swelling or any gum infection, we cannot perform transplant. The problems are treated before the surgery. We provide the utmost care to our customers and satisfaction so that you can leave our clinic with perfect shiny teeth. 

Good Oral Health

Good oral hygiene is encouraged for candidates to ensure soft tissue health around transplant for its long-term success. Good oral hygiene reduces the risks of teeth infections and implant failure.

Healthy Gums

Gum diseases can weaken and dissolve gums and bones. It is necessary for you to have healthy gums to support the new implant.

Minimal Bruxism

Although, a single day implant is a strong and durable alternative but bruxism or teeth grinding can damage implant prosthetics.

People Who Do Not Smoke

People who do not smoke are good candidates for a dental implant because each time they smoke, blood flow in their gums reduces due to nicotine. Nicotine slows down the healing process. 


Can dental implants be done immediately?
