Tooth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a safe, non-invasive method of improving tooth colour, without having to remove tooth structure.
Your smile is important. It's one of the first things you notice when you meet someone. A whiter, brighter smile is beautiful - it can help you feel better about yourself and make a memorable impression .Your lifestyle and the ageing process can stain and darken your teeth. Many things we do on a regular basis can contribute to stained teeth, such as drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine or smoking.
What is tooth whitening?
Tooth whitening is a bleaching process that lightens discoloration of enamel and dentin. whitening gel's active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As the Hydrogen Peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin, bleaching colored substances while the structure of the tooth is unchanged.
We offer two safe and effective teeth whitening options:
In chair – completed in 1-hour with immediate results. Our team will place a concentrated tooth whitening gel on your teeth and a light activates the whitening process.
At home – carried out by the patient at home, where models are taken of the teeth and a tooth-whitening tray is custom-made for you. The whitening agent is placed in the tray, and the patient is required to wear it for up to 2 hours a day, for a 2-week period.
Whitening can get your smile looking its best. Non-professional procedures and clinically unproven teeth whitening tips can often lead to unsatisfactory results, you should look for a whitening procedure that is:
Fast and convenient
Long lasting
Low sensitivity
Proven to be safe and effective
Performed by a Dental Professional
Tooth Whitening FAQs
How long does chair side Teeth Whitening take?
The complete procedure takes less than an hour. The procedure begins with a preparation period followed as little as by 45 minutes of bleaching. (A cleaning is recommended prior to the actual whitening session.)
What will I experience during the Tooth Whitening Procedure?
During the procedure, patients may comfortably watch television or listen to music. Individuals with a strong gag reflex or anxiety may have difficulty undergoing the entire procedure.
What causes tooth discolouration?
There are many causes. The most common include ageing and consumption of staining substances such as coffee, tea, colas, tobacco, red wine, etc. During tooth formation, certain antibiotics or excessive fluoride may also cause tooth discolouration.
Are there any side effects?
Sensitivity during the treatment may occur with some patients. On rare occasions, minor tingling sensations are experienced immediately after the procedure but always dissipate. You can also ask your dentist to supply you with anti-sensitivity toothpaste for use prior to treatment..
Is whitening safe?
Yes. Extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact, many dentists consider whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As with any tooth whitening product, Zoom! is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.
How much does a Teeth whitening cost?
Internal Tooth Whitening £350.00
Home kit tooth whitening Whitening £295.00
Zoom Same Day Whitening £395.00
Zoom tooth Whitening (in Office + Home kit) £595.00
Diode Laser tooth whitening Same Day £600.00
Premium Diode Laser tooth whitening(in Office + Home kit) £850.00